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How a Toddler’s Insult Led This Woman to Uncover the “Triple Collagen” Secret to Wiping Away 20 Years of Aging In Just a WEEK

See how you can make wrinkles, dark spots, and fine lines disappear – leaving your skin clearer and more beautiful than ever – just like these women…

Before and After
Before and After

Hi, my name is Rebecca Scharf

Before and After

Over the next few moments, I’m going to share the true story of how an insult from a toddler not only saved my relationship with my husband…

But led to me looking twenty years younger.

You see, just six months ago, my youngest daughter Jill was “graduating” preschool…

And the school held a short “ceremony” for parents, grandparents, and families.

It was so adorable…

And I was beaming the entire time as I watched my Jill up in front of the room…

Laughing, giggling, and singing with the other children.

After the ceremony, the school had a small “reception” for all the family members…

And as usual, my daughter Jill was arm-in-arm with her best friend Rose.

They were running around the room, talking up a storm…

And not just with each other – they were chatting with every parent, grandparent, and teacher who crossed their path.

Watching them running around, the smile I’d been holding all day only grew wider…

Because it just made me so happy to see Jill being so outgoing and having so much fun.

But then, it happened.

In a flash, Jill was back at my side, pulling at my dress…

“Mommy, mommy! I just met Rose’s grandma!” Jill shouted excitedly.

And she kept repeating herself at the top of her lungs…

Which got the attention of every other parent, grandparent, and teacher in the room.

“Okay Jill, I got it. That’s so great sweetie. Is she nice?” I asked…

But before Jill could answer, in walked Rose’s grandmother...

And as she entered, the entire room took a collective gasp.

My jaw hit the floor, along with everyone else.

Because Rose’s “grandmother” looked like she belonged on a European fashion runway.

She. Was. Stunning.

She had gorgeous, flawless skin.

She was vibrant and radiant.

She looked like a glowing 20-year-old co-ed.

There was no way on earth she was anyone’s grandmother.

It honestly had me in a daze because you don’t see women who look that beautiful in real life…

But then, the “record scratch” moment came…

As Jill tugged on my arm, her…

Her eyes searching mine, and she said:

“Mommy… why do you look so much older than Rose’s GRANDMA???!!!”

Time stood still...

Every single person in that room heard my daughter’s question…

And my face immediately flushed bright red with embarrassment.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest...

My mouth was suddenly dry as the Mojave desert…


“Oh, honey… “ I stammered, struggling to save face…
“Some people look younger… and some people look older.”

It felt so hollow the moment I said it, but I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

And the worst part is, Jill wasn’t finished. Not by a long shot...

Because that’s when she blurted out…


“So, will I look as old as you when I’m a Mommy???”

My humiliation was complete.

I excused myself, desperate to break the spell of this nightmare moment.

I knew Jill didn’t MEAN to embarrass me…

But her innocent questions and bold curiosity…

Hit a raw nerve.

In the bathroom I took a long, hard look in the mirror.

What I saw felt like another slap across the face.

I was no longer the vibrant, energetic, youthful woman I remembered from my college days.

I looked the way I felt: tired.

Of course, that should be expected as the mother of 4 girls.

But I guess I hadn’t noticed how deep the creases were spreading from my eyes… like a deeply entrenched spider web.

The “smile lines” around my mouth looked more like canyons than what I remembered.

“Ugh… how did this even happen?” I said out loud to myself in the mirror.

I guess with how busy I’d been as a mom…


I just hadn’t noticed how hard the years had been on my complexion.

LOTS of sleepless nights comforting cranky babies…

Countless after-school practices out in the sun…

Late nights helping with homework.

As I thought about it, my husband hadn’t been noticing me like he used to either.

Obviously, life was busy, but I clearly didn’t catch his eye like I did 20 years ago...

But then… the more I thought about it…

Others hadn’t been “noticing” me much anymore either.

I used to be the one who turned heads when I walked into the Pizza parlor… even with my firstborn on my hip.

I used to be the one who got compliments galore for my complexion.

I used to be the one who had men tripping over themselves just to hold the door open for me.

But the longer I stared at my reflection, the more I realized my identity crisis went beyond skin deep.

I hadn’t been asked to chair volunteer committees at school like I used to.

My husband hadn’t asked my opinion in what seemed like ages.

My “mom squad” didn’t seem to value my input.

I’d never felt so invisible.

Well that afternoon when I got home, I was still feeling hurt and upset…

But I was also starting to experience a new feeling too. Determination.

I decided I was going to do something about the way I looked if it killed me…

Which is what started me off on my desperate journey to fight back against my aging face…

To bring back the soft, firm, and radiant skin I once had…

For me and for my daughter.

It had to be possible right? We all know someone like Rose’s grandma. Someone whose face simply doesn’t betray their age…


And if it’s possible for them, then it has to be possible for the rest of us too…

Even if maybe we have to use a little “help” to make it happen.

So I got to work…

I started stalking forums on the Internet…

I read every skincare blog…every magazine article…


Like Julia K. who is 43 years old. She says that her wrinkles seemed to really intensify after she hit forty. She says now “I get mistaken for a woman in her late twenties at least twice a week. Nobody ever guesses my age!”


Or Eva C., who has a son who is a senior in high school. She says now her son won’t bring his friends over anymore, because all they want to do is try and flirt with her!

Or Sara G., who writes “my twin sister has gotten SO jealous after I started using this Beauty secret. It used to be impossible to tell us apart, but now I look at least fifteen years younger than she does!”

It all started when I got a call from the last person on Earth I’d expected to hear from: Rose’s grandma!

You see, after that embarrassing moment at my daughter Jill’s preschool “graduation”…

I’d spent almost every waking moment pushing the image of her friend’s grandmother out of my head.

So you can imagine my shock when on a random Thursday nearly three months later…

I answered an unknown number on my cell phone…

And heard the grandmother of my daughter’s best friend on the other end.

Her name is Megan, by the way…

And she told me she hoped I didn’t mind that she was calling…

She’d wanted to speak with me sooner…

But immediately after the ceremony…

She’d left for a several month European cruise with her fiance…

And she was just now getting back to the United States.

I’ll be honest with you, the conversation started out really awkwardly…

Because Megan told me she wanted to apologize for what had happened during the reception…

And while I knew she meant well…

I just didn’t know what to say.

At first I just stayed very quiet…

But then, realizing that my silence was making things even more awkward…

Finally I just told Megan that it was “no big deal.”

“It was just a silly thing a toddler says,” I remember saying…


“And besides, if I’m being honest, I kind of understand where my daughter Jill was coming from. I mean you are absolutely beautiful. I’ve never seen someone with better looking skin in my life!”

Well I felt like I could feel Megan blushing through the other end of the phone…

But then, just when I thought the conversation was going to be over…

Megan said something that would change my life, and the lives of hundreds of other women, forever.

She told me that she appreciated me saying that…

But that the truth was, she hadn’t always had the skin she has now.

Megan said that in her early forties…

She’d felt like she looked at least ten years older than her age…

On some days it was more like twenty years older…

And her wrinkles used to run like deep canyons across her face…

So much so…

That she’d even struggled with depression…

Because she hated feeling like all of her best years were far behind her.

It was a lot to take in…

Honestly, I wasn’t even sure if I believed her…

But I was also curious…

So I bit my tongue…

And asked Megan what had changed?

“Was it Botox or cosmetic surgery,” I asked?

“Or heck, are you secretly a multimillionaire who uses one of those $200-an-ounce skin creams that most of us will never have access too?

Come on Megan, what’s your secret?”

I wasn’t joking, but it made Megan laugh very hard.

She told me no, it had nothing to do with Botox…

Or going under the knife…

Or weird skin potions, chemical peels, or anything else like that.

Megan said that she owed everything to one man only…

Someone who she credited with turning back the clock for her skin.


She said he shared something with her that he called his “Collagen” secret…

And she credited this secret with wiping away the wrinkles and those deep lines…

While helping her to look more than twenty years younger than she actually was.

“His name is Dr. Roger Smith” she told me.
“I’ll give you his number.”

Well I called Dr. Roger Smith’s office that very same day…

But his receptionist said he wasn’t available…

And while she was polite, she didn’t ask me for my information so he could call me back…

Which I thought was strange.

So I called back the next day…

And then I called again the day after…

Dr. Sterling

Until finally it was obvious that I’d pushed the poor receptionist to her brink…

Because that’s when she told me that Dr. Roger Smith is super busy with his weight loss clinics (they see over 50,000 patients in a single month sometimes)…

And he doesn’t talk to the public about his work in skincare…

So could I please stop calling about this?

It stung, a lot.

I mean I get that I probably just seemed like some “crazy woman” to them…

But it seemed like I was so close to finally uncovering a real solution that could help me look years, if not decades younger…

And now I was being told to stop.

Well I’ve never been a quitter…

I had to discover the secret to rolling back 20 years of aging…

… to be an inspiration to my daughter…

… to erase the wrinkles around my mouth and eyes…

… and restore my soft, youthful skin that I wanted back so badly.

So this time I had my husband call Dr. Roger Smith’s Clinic…

And tell them that he was interested in losing weight.

Well to my annoyance (but also excited) they didn’t hang up on my husband lol…

Instead, they scheduled a virtual appointment with Dr. Roger Smith for the following week…

And when the time came…

I had my husband face time with the clinic…

But as soon as he was on the call with Dr. Roger…

I ripped the phone out of his hand!

I’ll be honest, the doctor looked very surprised when I did this…

Then in a matter of seconds I could see that the surprise was turning to anger…

And I knew that I’d better talk fast, because this was my one and only chance.

“Dr. Roger Smith please don’t hang up” I begged.

“My name is Rebecca Scharf and I’m a friend of Megan Thomas. She’s the one who told me to reach out to you. I’ve seen how beautiful she looks. How much her skin glows. How she looks more like a Hollywood starlet than a grandmother. And right now I’m hurting on the inside because of how my face looks on the outside.

“Please, I’m begging you. Can you spare just five minutes here? I need to know about your Collagen secret?”

It was obvious the question made Dr. Roger Smith uncomfortable…

Because it’s not something he talks about publicly.

Dr. Roger Smith runs some of the most successful weight loss clinics in the country…

Sometimes he sees more than 50,000 patients in a single month…

But he rarely talks about skin, or antiaging, or any of that stuff…

It’s just not his main job.

Still though, Dr. Roger Smith hadn’t hung up on me yet, which was good…

And after another 10 minutes of begging…

I finally got Dr. Roger Smith to begin to open up.

He said that your skin is one of most important organs in your body...

And it’s also the LARGEST organ in your body, and the first line of defense against all sickness, illness and disease.

But like all organs, your skin can be damaged…

And the number one cause of skin damage comes from UV radiation.

Dr. Roger Smith explained that when we spend too much time in the sun…

Which tends to happen over the course of our lives…

The UV radiation from the sun weakens our collagen fibers…

Which leads to the skin stretching, wrinkles, fine lines, and crows’ feet too.

In addition, UV light causes a large number of free radicals to float through our body…

Which leads to something called oxidative stress…

UV radiation

Which is basically like a death-kiss for our skin…

Something that wears down the collagen fibers in our skin even more…

And makes wrinkles even worse.

To summarize, the more time you spend in the sun (especially if you get sunburnt or don’t wear sunscreen)...

… The more wrinkles, fine lines, sun spots you’ll have (along with blotchy, spotted, dotted, dried and blemished skin). (3)

Now Dr. Roger Smith will be the first to admit that all of this is pretty common knowledge…

But one important thing he did point out to me

Is That UV Radiation Affects Everyone, Even If You Live Somewhere Cold Or Cloudy!

See you may be thinking, “I don’t need to worry about UV radiation, because I live somewhere cold or cloudy”…

Or you’re thinking “well I’m fine because I stay out of the sun”…

But that’s not how it works.

You see, as Dr. Roger Smith explained, there are three things you need to know:

First, UV radiation happens independent of temperature.

So even if you live somewhere cold like Canada, the UV index can still be very strong.

In fact, Ireland’s Public Health Agency recently made an announcement saying, “Cool bright days even with light clouds can have damaging levels of UV radiation.”

UV radiation

Second, if you live somewhere where there are significant amounts of snow throughout the year, you’re at a very high risk of getting UV radiation.

Snow and ice act as a mirror for UV rays. So the UV rays will hit your skin as the rays come down from the sun…

… And those same rays will hit you again as the rays are reflected from the snow, bounce back up and hit you again.

In other words, snow is a multiplier of UV radiation, so if you have snow more than a couple of times per year, you’re being hit with a LOT of UV radiation.

And finally, what about if you spend most of your time in the shade?

You might be very careful, always wearing sunscreen and staying in the shade as much as possible.

While that will prevent you from getting sunburnt, it will not prevent you from UV rays.

According to research published by the Skin Cancer Foundation, clouds only block about 20% of UV rays.

So even when you’re in the SHADE, you’re still getting hit with UV radiation.

So as you can see, UV radiation is a very serious problem, regardless of where you live.

And of course if you live somewhere where there’s a lot of sun, you’re most at risk.

Now the reason Dr. Roger Smith was sharing all of this with me…

Is because while UV Radiation is one of the very top culprits when it comes to how our skin ages…

UV radiation

A few years back, the doctor had made a very strange discovery.

He’d been traveling overseas, in Europe…

When he made what at first was just a funny observation.

What was it?

Dr. Roger Smith kept remarking to himself that throughout all of his travels in Europe…

The women he met from one particular country consistently looked years younger than women from anywhere else.

This country wasn’t Greece, or Italy, or France, or Turkey…

In fact, it was a country he’d never really even thought of very much until then…

And the name of this country is Croatia.

If you’ve ever heard of Croatia, it’s probably because a lot of Game of Thrones was filmed there (it’s the scene for King’s Landing)…

And while the country has a bit of a “secret following” among Instagram Stars and Models due to its beautiful beaches…

Most people in the U.S. don’t spend much time thinking about Croatia, or planning a trip there.

Dr. Roger Smith was the same way…

But as he continued to see the same pattern over and over again…

UV radiation

That the Croatian women he was meeting all seemed to look years younger than their European and American counterparts…

The more curious he became…

Especially after he did a little bit of research and realized:

Croatia Is One Of The Sunniest Places On Earth…
Yet Their Women Have Almost Zero Wrinkles.

On average, Croatia enjoys more than 2,715 hours of sunshine per year. That’s more than Sydney, Australia, Texas, Florida and much of Africa!

The country also has a UV index of 9 and 10 all through the Summer months…

Making it one of the warmest places on earth, with the highest amounts of UV radiation.

Well given what you now know about UV Radiation…

You would expect Croatian women to suffer terribly from wrinkles, fine lines and saggy skin...

Yet time and time again…

Dr. Roger Smith saw the exact opposite:

These women all seemed to be entirely free from the crippling signs of aging…

And he couldn’t help but remark about how they were also some of the most confident, happy, and empowered women he’d ever met in his life.

So what was their secret?

Dr. Roger Smith spent the next several months obsessing over this puzzle…

But he simply couldn’t figure it out and he was ready to give up…

In fact, the doctor told me that he probably would have just thrown up his hands and walked away…

Ivan Herenda

If he hadn’t been introduced to a man named Ivan Horvat.

Ivan graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry in Groznjan, Croatia and earned the Croatian equivalent of a P.h.D (it’s officially called an “Elevated Masters”).

Immediately after finishing college, Ivan was headhunted by Neutrogena, and went to work as one of their top product formulators…

And it was Ivan’s job to experiment with different formulations, finding the perfect ingredient combinations and making world-class products.

Ivan had enormous success at Neutrogena…

But the 60-hour workweeks caught up with him after a few years…

So he moved back to Croatia and set up his own successful pharmacy.

Well Dr. Roger Smith happened to be introduced to Ivan through a mutual friend…

And what Ivan explained to Dr. Roger Smith…

Is that the secret to why the women in Croatia have such exceptionally youthful looking skin...

All starts with the most unexpected of ingredients…

A Wild Daisy That Croatian Women Swear Is The Secret to Looking Decades Younger Than Their Age

Wild Daisy

I know it sounds hard to believe, but stick with me…

Because as you’re about to see in just a few seconds…

This flower truly could be like the magic wand that waves away 5…15…or even 20 years of aging in just a few short days.

You see, Ivan explained that this daisy is called the “Immortelle” Flower (pronounced Immortal)…

And the reason for its name…

Is because this flower keeps its beautiful yellow-gold color throughout the entire year.

In fact, even AFTER it’s been picked from the ground, it will keep this color. It’s very unusual.

The Immortelle flower is so beautiful, that in ancient days, its flowers were picked, dried and offered to the gods as a sacrifice.

The plant is extremely rare, and only grows in 2-3 locations around the world. By far, the world’s largest crop of the Immortelle is on the Dalmatian Coast in Croatia…

Where the flower has the perfect environment to grow: the temperature is always 90, the sea air brings in lots of moisture, and the soil is rich in nutrients.

The Immortelle doesn’t grow like a regular crop though. It’s often found in people’s gardens, in their backyard or along the side of the road. It can be planted but most often, it grows wildly.

Throughout history, Croatians have used the immortelle flower for respiratory ailments, skin trouble, liver and gallbladder issues, inflammation, insomnia, and infections…

But here’s the most important thing to understand:

The real secret isn’t in the plant, it’s in the oil it produces…

You see…

The Immortelle Flower Produces An Essential Oil Called “Helichrysum”
… Which Is The Croatian Secret To Reversing Wrinkles, Fine Lines & Saggy Skin!

And as Ivan explained to Dr. Roger Smith…

Every woman in Croatia is taught this beauty routine from a very young age…

And it protects their skin against damage from UV Radiation…

While giving them a dewy, radiant, glowing complexion.

At least that’s what Ivan had told Dr. Roger Smith…

And being intrigued, the doctor had found a way to bring some of this special Immortelle Beauty powder into the United States…

Then began sharing it with a small handful of the women and men he knew.

Well, as Dr. Roger Smith told me all of this, I’d been spellbound…

But then suddenly I just blurted out what I was thinking, which was:

“But does this really work?”

That got a big laugh out of Dr. Roger Smith…

But then, instead of answering me verbally…

Dr. Roger Smith reached into his desk drawer…

And pulled out a small white bottle.

He explained that inside this bottle was the powder from the flower he’d been telling me about…

The one that can help eliminate wrinkles and vanish the signs of old age…

And he told me that:

It doesn’t matter how old you are…

Or how much time you’ve spent out in the sun…

Or if you’re 35 years old or 75 years old…

You simply take 2 scoops in the morning or splitting up your scoops (one in the morning and one in the evening)

And you will activate this Beauty secret to your skin.

“Why don’t you just try it for yourself and see what happens” he said…

“I’ll send you this bottle right now.”

Well you better believe that I gave Dr. Roger Smith my address right away…

Because even though I was still a little bit skeptical, I was also very intrigued.

I mean I’d been so desperate to remove my wrinkles and those deep lines from my face that I’d tried almost everything…

Now it finally seemed like I was about to hold the key to immortal youth in the palm of my hand…


And that night, it was almost impossible to fall asleep…

I was just so excited about trying out Dr. Roger Smith’s Beauty secret for myself.

Fortunately, the doctor was kind enough to send me his powder via express mail…

So I got it the very next day…

And the second it arrived…

The very first thing I did was put some on.

It felt so light and luxurious on my skin. I felt spoiled.

The very next day I noticed a difference in the vibrancy and glow of my complexion.

Two days later, my oldest daughter, a senior in high school, commented on how good I looked.

On day 4, my husband told me how beautiful I looked!

And that was after work, soccer practice, dinner, and dishes!

My wrinkles… my tired, saggy skin… and my age… were disappearing before my eyes...

And by the end of the first month, my wrinkles were even more smooth and the sagging skin under my eyes was now plump and hydrated.

After three months, I couldn’t help but notice how younger men kept checking me out everywhere I went, just like when I was in my early twenties.

In truth, that most embarrassing of moments, turned into a Godsend…

A “turn back the clock 20 years” miracle.

Best Part

And that’s not even the best part!

My youngest daughter Jill even started calling me her “Cinderella Mommy”…

And when I asked her why…

She said it’s because of how my appearance has changed almost overnight…

And how now I look so beautiful, like a princess in a fairy tale.

I’ll be honest, when she told me that I couldn’t stop smiling for the rest of the day…

And it’s not just my family who is noticing either…

The other moms at Jill’s school won’t stop coming up to me, begging to know my secret…

My youngest daughter Katie

They keep saying I look 10, even 20 years younger…

And remember, my oldest daughter is a senior in high school…

So I’m much older than most of the other parents at Jill’s school…

Yet I look their age…or in a lot of cases even much younger than them!

I can’t help but be proud…

And I know it sounds pretty wild, but it’s not just me who’s had these incredible results…

Dr. Roger Smith has now helped many other women to enjoy glowing, envy-inducing, beautiful skin…

To become the focus of their friends’ attention!

I even reached out to a lot of these women, to prove to myself that my experience wasn’t some one-time event…


Like Laura D. who struggled with irritated skin for most of her life. She says “at the age of 54, now my skin is clearer and healthier looking than it’s ever been!”


And Louise T. a 41 year old mother of three boys…


Along with Betty R. who stuns people when she tells them that she’s 64…

Pretty incredible, isn’t it? And what’s even more exciting is that what Dr. Roger Smith shared with me comes with ZERO negative side effects…

It’s completely natural, very affordable…

And yet it can work for ANYONE.

I mean it, the results you’re seeing today aren’t exceptions, they're the new normal…

And these brand-new studies prove just how amazing this Beauty secret truly is.

We now have amazing new research coming out proving just how powerful Dr. Roger Smith’s Beauty discovery really is.

Ad when an academic research team out in Utah…

Did an in-depth study to see how the Beauty secret affects human skin…

Their results were so good they were immediately published in the prestigious Open Journal of BioChemistry.


The research team found that this Beauty powder actually stopped collagen in the skin from breaking down…

Which is incredibly important since remember, it’s the loss of collagen fibers that causes wrinkles to form!

Just think about it:

The creases in your face you’ve been so critical of is now smoothed over, barely visible at all. Your skin is becoming firmer, thicker, and it’s truly glowing!

Just keep reading and you’ll see how you can enjoy results like this in as little as 7 days from now.

Before we get to that though, check out this second Beauty study…

It was done by 6 of the world’s top anti-aging scientists at the Institute of Biomedical and Microbial Biotechnology in South Africa.

They put the Beauty powder under the microscope…

And were shocked to discover that it contains TEN different compounds that have the potential to:

Help diminish the appearance and formation of dark spots…

Stop elastase…

And nourish the skin with a flood of healing antioxidants that can keep you looking young.

Leading the scientists to publicly announce that the Beauty secret is a “good candidate for the prevention and or treatment of skin-related conditions, such as aging.”

Bottomline, this rare powder has been proven time-and-time again to help women like you and me fight back against the hands of time and look 10 to 20 years younger.

I mean, just check out these incredible changes…

Immortelle Beauty

You can see these transformations happening with your own two eyes!

These inspiring women have stopped the signs of aging, and they’re making their friends and family green with envy as they do it!

To put it plainly: this one discovery flipped everything I thought I knew about getting older on its head.

I’d used almost every cream, potion, peel, and serum on the market…

Every new fad I read about…

But nothing worked…

And I used to think that my only choices going forward we're going to be Botox or going under the knife…

But now I know that there’s a MUCH better option for me and others!

Dr. Roger Smith’s discovery works for ANYONE.


“I noticed my wrinkles and laugh lines were getting worse in my mid-thirties. By my 37th birthday they’d gotten so bad I was constantly embarrassed by them. But in the three weeks since I began using Dr. Roger Smith’s secret, everything has changed. My skin is glowing. The wrinkles are leaving. Now I feel like I’ll be in control of my appearance and my life for decades to come!”

One 57 year old lady I spoke with, Maria T. lives in Egg Harbor. She told me that it’s only been two weeks, but she’s seeing her sunspots beginning to really fade…


Sharron S. in Washington is 46. She says she used to spend over a thousand dollars per year on her beauty ritual. Now she spends a fraction of that amount, yet she looks 10 years younger than her age.

Now every single one of these women came to the doctor for help…

And though he agreed to help them, he made them promise not to share his secret with the world.


The man was already spending almost every waking hour of the week helping his patients to lose weight…

And he knew that if this Beauty secret started making its way into the public eye…

It would create even more work for him and his team…

And he just didn’t think there were enough hours in the day.

I totally get where Dr. Roger Smith’s coming from here…


But girl, once I saw how effective his breakthrough is, I swore I’d get it into as many ladies hands’ as possible. That way YOU can fight back against the signs of aging too.

So I called Dr. Roger Smith up and I laid it directly on the line.

I told him…

“Dr. Roger Smith, this has changed my life. The Beauty secret you shared with me has helped me look at least 20 years younger. The changes are so incredible that some of my friends now joke that I’m a living, breathing “photoshopped woman,” because it’s almost impossible to comprehend what a difference this has made.

Even better, you’ve helped me to be an inspiration to my 4 girls, and my husband. That’s very important.

It’s simply not fair that I get to have this secret all to myself. I know it’s ‘just’ skin, but that’s a big deal. Our skin really impacts the way we feel about ourselves. Please, will you help me make this available to every woman in America?”

At first Dr. Roger Smith wasn’t on board…

He was doing such incredible work in the field of weight loss…

And he didn’t want to take away from that.

So I told Dr. Roger Smith that I would help him do as much of the heavy lifting as I could…

That I’d start sharing this secret with others…

And I even hired a business consultant to show Dr. Roger Smith how much money he could make, while helping to improve the lives of ladies like you and me.

And that got his attention…

Which, thank GOD that it did…

Because now YOU can get your hands on this powder that contains his Beauty breakthrough...

And even better…

The business consultant I hired even showed Dr. Roger Smith how he could even make this miracle available at a price ANYONE can afford!

Which is why I’m going to give you the full details on it right now:

doctor Hand shake

Introducing the ONLY “Beauty” Breakthrough in the World:
It’s Called Triple Collagen…

Let me open up my heart to you here…

If you want to gently remove the signs of aging from around your mouth, across your forehead, and underneath your eyes…

And look 5…15…even 20 years younger FAST…

While waving away dark spots…

And enjoying deeply hydrated, radiant, glowing skin…

Beloved Triple Collagen powder is your answer.

It’s the only product in the world specifically designed with Dr. Roger Smith’s Beauty breakthrough…

It contains no artificial fillers, binders, ingredients, preservatives, stearates, laureates, sulfates, or dioxides…

And Beloved Triple Collagen is manufactured right here in the U.S…

In a facility that follows all GMP and FDA Guidelines…

Plus each batch tested by an independent third-party-laboratory…


To ensure that what’s on the label is really inside!

Beloved Triple Collagen powder just works.

In fact, it’s so powerful that you’ll notice a difference from your very first use.

No matter how old you are, what your skin tone is, or what you’ve tried in the past…

My promise is that this WILL work for you.

Right away you’ll notice that the deep lines on your face are becoming more shallow, and that your face feels soft, like it did in your youth…

Then you’ll see that dark spots and blemishes are beginning to fade away…

And that the redness and puffiness is being replaced by a dewy glow.

Which each day that passes by, you’ll see years of aging being lifted from your face…

And I can tell you from firsthand experience: when you look younger, you start to feel younger too.

You’re going to find that you have more energy, that you’re sleeping better, that your mood is better too…

And my favorite part of all this…

In the very first few days of use…

Your friends, family, and coworkers will ALL be noticing the change in your skin and your life.

It might even become annoying, because they’re not going to be able to stop it with the compliments…

You’re going to hear how you look 15 years young…

So many people will be asking for your secret…

And when you tell them, a lot of them are going to have a hard time believing that it’s really so easy!

But it is…

You simply take 2 scoops (1 serving) in the morning or splitting up your scoops (one in the morning and one in the evening) of beloved Triple Collagen Powder into your drink or food and let it work.

It won’t be long until you join all the American women who are now raving about Beloved Triple Collagen because of their incredible results…

And I’ve got a special surprise for you that you’re really going to love…

The Beauty secret is just the beginning: Beloved Triple Collagen powder is packed with incredible anti-aging ingredients

Dr. Roger Smith knew that the Beauty secret he’d discovered was incredibly effective at reversing the signs of aging…

Yet he wanted to make it even more powerful since he was going to start sharing this with every woman in America…

So our team began looking at every little-known study they came across…

In order to find ingredients that had the potential to further enhance your youth and beauty when combined with others.

Some of these ingredients you’ve probably heard of before, others you likely haven’t…

And what Dr. Roger Smith found is that the results were nothing short of incredible…

Women who were already looking 7, or even 9 years younger…

Suddenly started reporting that it was like they’d wiped away two decades of wrinkles in a matter of days.

Now I know you want to get Beloved Triple Collagen powder in your hands as fast as possible, but I’m just so thrilled to be sharing these special ingredients with you.

So if it’s okay with you, I’d like to show them with you right now.

The first incredible bonus ingredient is one of my favorites because…

Why Everyone Is Calling “Triple Collagen”
The New Fountain of Youth

Hydrolyzed Bovine Collagen Peptides
These Collagen Peptides are an essential source for overall skin health, bones, hair, nails and digestion. We’ve also broken down this specific collagen into peptides so that the body can better absorb the collagen, which becomes difficult after the age of 50.
Hydrolyzed Chicken Cartilage
This is the ultimate cartilage building type of collagen out there. Chicken Cartilage is a great source of Type 2 Collagen, which makes up a majority of the collagen in your joint cartilage and even the connective tissue that protects the joints.
Marine Collagen
Marine Collagen can play a big role in helping smooth, hydrate and strengthen the skin. This collagen helps promote the production of other proteins that help reduce wrinkle depth and structure of the skin.
Horsetail Plant Extract
Horsetail Extract has been shown to help promote hair growth, volume and thickness. Some sources also show that Horsetail Extract can be beneficial for promoting healthy nails
Bamboo Extract
Bamboo Extract is a secret weapon that is greatly underrated. This extract helps improve the overall absorption of collagen to further enhance the benefits that collagen can provide.
Vitamin C
We’ve added Vitamin C to our Collagen Complex because Vitamin C has been shown to help improve Skin Health due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin C also serves as a great source for overall immune System function.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is an undervalued nutrient for skin health. You see, many people (especially over 50) are deficient in Vitamin B6 and don’t even know it. Deficiency in Vitamin B6 leads to cracked skin and dryness of the skin. That’s why we’ve added Vitamin B6 to help hydrate the skin.
Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic Acid is a fluid in our body that keeps our skin hydrated and wrinkles away. After the age of 50, our body loses a lot of Hyaluronic Acid and wrinkles start to appear. Research has shown Hyaluronic Acid can help reduce wrinkles and skin damage from the sun.

With the Beauty breakthrough and the other skin nourishing nutrients you’ve just seen… You can say goodbye to a decade or more of aging in as little as one week!

Now that you’ve heard my story…

And you’ve seen first-hand how hundreds of women are already swearing about this Beauty breakthrough…

Along with the proven science behind each nourishing ingredient inside beloved Triple Collagen…

Let me ask you a question...

What will you see when you look in the mirror in four weeks from now?

If we can both be honest with one another…

Then the answer is that if I don’t get this Beauty Secret into your hands today…

The chances are, in a month you’re going to see the same woman who is here reading these pages right now…

And over time new wrinkles are going to keep appearing, often in places you’ve never noticed them before…

The skin under your eyes and your neck will sag just a little bit more each day…

And if you’re anything like me…

You may feel like you’re becoming more and more invisible. Being invisible sucks, and it doesn’t have to be this way…

Because with Dr. Roger Smith’s help…

You can wave your magic wand and say goodbye to 20 years of aging in as little as 7 days.

And you’ll WOW your friends, your kids, your significant other, and even total strangers as it happens…

Because when your skin begins to glow and radiate beauty the way it truly can…

It’s just impossible for others not to notice.

Imagine no longer worrying about covering your sagging neck with scarves…

Imagine no longer feeling insecure about your fine lines and wrinkles…

Imagine the confidence that comes from seeing smoother, healthier looking skin in your reflection every day…

Knowing that you’ll always be able to look your best with the help of one of the most powerful age-defiers on the planet…

Now stop imaging….

Because Those Are Exactly The Kinds Of Things People Who Use Beloved Triple Collagen Report…

Just like…

Tanya Perkins of Mansfield. She says…

“A woman’s greatest fear is losing her beauty. Until I read The Triple Collagen report, I had no idea that the sun was causing all my wrinkles and age-spots. I ordered Triple Collagen and since using it, I’ve experienced surprising success. It looks like I’ve aging in reverse. My grandson saw a recent picture I uploaded online and he thought I used one of those social media filters – but nope, my skin is just looking younger by the day! Definitely happy with my purchase.”

And Nikki Schuller of Dover. She writes…

“It’s cold and snowy 5 months out of the year where I’m from, so my skin takes one heck of a beating. I’m always switching up creams and moisturizers to keep my skin looking firm and healthy, but that nothing has been seeming to work since I’ve hit my 50s. Now that I’ve got collagen in my medicine cabinet, I just take it everyday as instructed, and I’m seeing major results. The lines around my mouth and forehead are disappearing, and my husband even tells me I look younger. So happy with my results, I will be calling back to order the 6 bottle package next time .”

So now, let me share exactly how you can join Tanya and Nikki…

Along with the hundreds of women across the country who are using Triple Collagen every single day…

And who are reporting that they're looking a decade younger, or more, in a matter of just days.

Here’s the really good news…

Dr. Roger Smith’s team has agreed to reserve the next 200 bottles of beloved Triple Collagen for readers of this letter.

But you must act before they run out of stock!

Triple Collagen is so powerful and so effective that word is already starting to spread.

Women across America have started using this age-defying breakthrough for themselves…

And they don’t just get one bottle at a time…

They order six…or sometimes a dozen bottles at once.

It sounds crazy…

But these women have read the studies…

And more importantly…

They’ve seen the difference Triple Collagen makes in their lives first-hand.

They’ve seen the way wrinkles and fine lines quickly fade away…

How their skin becomes more supple, and takes on this impossible-to-ignore glow

And these women are DETERMINED to never be without this youth-enhancing breakthrough again.

So they stock up on Triple Collagen whenever they have the chance…

Then they use it every single day…

And they’re constantly reporting back to us that the longer they use this formula…

The younger and healthier their skin becomes.

It’s so empowering to see these women taking control of their appearance and saying “I’m the one who is going to decide if and how I age”…

But of course with so many women coming back to this website and stocking up on a several month supply of Triple Collagen…

There’s a constant issue of supply vs. demand…

And Dr. Roger Smith and the team are constantly worried about running out of bottles.

Anti-Aging Serum Anti-Aging Serum

Each time we sell out of Triple Collagen…

It can take up to three months until the next batch is produced…

And it really does suck…

Because imagine finally wiping away the wrinkles, the Crows’ Feet, the blemishes, and everything else…

Imagine looking 5, 15, or even 20 years younger…

But then when you come back to this website to order more Triple Collagen…

There’s a big message on the top of your screen that says “Sorry Sold Out.”

Anti-Aging Serum

It happens more often than we’d like to admit…but it’s not even worth risking…

Which is why I’ve talked with Dr. Roger Smith and he’s promised to reserve the next batch of beloved Triple Collagen for readers of this letter…

But only if you’re one of the next 200 people who order today.

And the great news is that while medical grade chemical peels can cost upwards of $5,000

And Botox can cost $350 per session or more…

Triple Collagen gives you what are much better results…

But at a fraction of the price...

Especially since Dr. Roger Smith has agreed to give you a big discount today, if you’re one of the next 200 women who claims their supply of beloved Triple Collagen.

How big of a discount?

Well normally beloved Triple Collagen retails for $99 per bottle…

However, on this website while there are supplies in stock…

You can try the beloved Triple Collagen for just $69 for a single bottle.

That’s a discount of $30 per bottle…

And that’s still just the start.

See, because so many women keep coming back to this website and ordering six bottles of Triple Collagen whenever it’s available…

Dr. Roger Smith and his team have agreed to offer dramatically deeper savings to women who stock up today.

How big?

Well when you choose the six-month supply of Triple Collagen today…

It’s only $294 - $49 per bottle.

That means when you get a six month supply…

All it costs you is just $1.63 per day…

To erase YEARS of aging, stress, and wrinkles from your skin for month-after-month.

(Oh, and I know how annoying it can be to order something online, only to be charged every month automatically. So I’ve made sure that you won’t be charged again unless you make another order.)

But if you’re ready to get started then you do need to act quick. This batch will be snapped up in no time at all.



It’s guaranteed your skin will be looking dramatically younger and healthier within a matter of weeks

Dr. Roger Smith and the team at Croatian Essentials will get your order of Triple Collagen in the mail as soon as you reserve your bottles.

It usually takes just 3-5 business days to arrive.

When the delivery man drops your order off at your door, I’m sure you’ll want to tear open the package and try it for yourself right away.

So go ahead.

Then do it again every morning and evening as part of your day time ritual…

And you’ll notice a difference with each day that goes by.

You’ll feel more relaxed than ever. The wrinkles will disappear. The lines will be filling in. Redness and irritation will be a thing of the past.

Within the first month, people will be telling you that you’ve never looked so good.

After 3 months, people will begin to mistake you for a woman half your age. You may laugh now, but there’s a chance you’ll start being carded again when you order a glass of wine…

Meanwhile your friends, family, and colleagues will be BEGGING you to share your beloved Triple Collagen with them. In fact, they’ll pay you any price!

And after 6 months, don’t be surprised if men are constantly trying to chat you up while you’re waiting in line at the grocery store, or just going about your day.

I can tell you from experience that it’s both flattering and annoying – but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world, because it’s better than being invisible, which is how I used to feel.

Yet, if you’re not 100% amazed…

If your family and friends AREN’T telling you how amazing you look…

Then the team at Croatian Essentials has promised to offer you a full, prompt refund at any point within your first 60 days of using Triple Collagen.

woman half your age

They won’t ask you why.

Simply put, you ONLY pay if you’re totally convinced it works for you.

Sound good? Then place your order of Triple Collagen now by choosing from the six-month package, or whatever option works for you below. Just click on the package you want. You’ll be taken to an order page to review your order.

 Anti-Aging Serum

You risk nothing by trying Triple Collagen today,​​ yet you could be 20 years younger in just a few short weeks.

Of course, I’m convinced you’re going to see life-changing results in your first few days...

And that your transformation will only continue to get better over time.

In fact, I’m living proof of it! 

The bottom line though is that the longer you use Triple Collagen, the better your story could be…

And I want you to experience the BEST results possible -- just like hundreds of American women are doing right now.

Yo WON’T be enrolled in an automatic billing subscription.

And you’re covered by a 60-day money-back-guarantee. So even at the end of a 6-month supply, you’ll be able to get a full refund if you’re not thrilled with your new youthful look.

Click the “RUSH MY ORDER” button below to be taken to a secure checkout page.

You can have your young, glowing complexion again, and become the envy of your friends for the cost of a cheap dinner.

So I urge you: claim one of the 200 bottles available today.

Click the “RUSH MY ORDER” button below immediately.

I can’t wait to hear your success story too,

Rebecca Scharf and Dr. Roger Smith

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